Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's cold outside.....

Well this has definitely been a very cold Winter!! We have hit records here for 22 days straight! It is alot colder compared to last Winter. They are calling for snow tonight. I love the snow, it's nice to cuddle up inside by the fire with a cup of hot cocoa and the family and watch a movie. I don't like to get out an drive it the snow though, my husband does all the driving in this kind of weather. This southern girl doesn't do that! LOL I did all the errands earlier today so I wouldn't have to go out. Well I am calling it a night. Stay warm and God Bless!! ;)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Planning to organize.......

A New Year, a new start. I am planning on doing alot of organizing this year and get things in place around the house. I have made this plan in the past and I haven't accomplished it as of yet. I have started with a to do list for each room in the house now I just have to get started! Alot of times this is easier said then done. LOL Organization turns pilers into filers and helps us to put things away naturally and easily everything has a place. We have to train our minds to organize. That is the first place to start before tackling the organizing adventure! Getting organized is about unstuffing your life, clearing out the deadweight in places from your closet to your computer, and then installing systems that keep stuff in it's place. Organizing is a liberating and enlightening experience that can enhance your effectiveness and lessen your stress every day!  After completing this task I also plan to do some painting. A New Year a new look. They say change is good!! If anyone has pointers on staying with this task let me know. We can enjoy this adventure together (lol) by sharing pointers and ideas! ;) Have a bless day!!